Stafford Queer Tea & Coffee

please join us for a Tea/coffee social

Stafford Tea/Coffee

If any Trans/ Non-binary people fancy meeting up for a chat on Saturday. At the Quakers, I will update details or update people via WhatsApp or Facebook We maybe head […]

Burton Trans social

Monthly meeting in Burton for Trans people [WhatsApp-ChitChat size=”small”] for details

Online Chat & Catch-up

With lockdown and venues been closed, we are trying a using google Meets so everyone can still get a bit of a chat and support if needed.

Online chat & catch-up

With lockdown and venues been closed, we are trying a using google Meets so everyone can still get a bit of a chat and support if needed.

Stafford Social/ Support

Meeting at the Quakers Foregate Street Stafford This meeting is T & Non-binary only (SOFFA & carers are welcome) Plz, bring Ideas for future events DVDs, games, pizza

Stoke Trans/ SOFFA Social

Our monthly meeting Social Friendly & Family-friendly it is a closed event in a pub. please remember this is a family-friendly event. Please bring ideas days out/ boardgames/ makeup/ hair […]

Queer board games

To make the venue more accessible we moved to the fire station   LGBTQAI+ or just general queer folk chance to get together chat & play broad games   Please […]