Appeal “LGB Alliance’s” charity status

The Charity Commission’s decision to give the controversial LGB Alliance charitable status has been met with disbelief and sorrow by LGBTQ+ people across the UK. 

Today, Mermaids announced that we have lodged an appeal against that decision, supported by LGBT+ Consortium, Gendered Intelligence, LGBT Foundation and TransActual. The appeal is being crowdfunded by the Good Law Project.

Mermaids & The Good law project please see attached link Full story here

MPFT LGBT Inclusion

Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust provides physical and mental health, learning disability and adult social care services across Staffordshire, Stoke-on-Trent and Shropshire. We provide a vast range of community services for adults and children and specialised services such as rheumatology and rehabilitation, which are delivered in venues ranging from health centres, GP practices, community hospitals and people's own homes.
The Trust also provides services on a wider regional or national basis including perinatal, eating disorder and forensic services. We deliver out of area sexual health services and our Inclusions service offers psychological and drug and alcohol services, in the community and in prisons, and has contracts across the country. We also provide genitourinary medicine services.
Please see attached flyer for details of inclusion event

Action For Hearing Loss

Our friends at Action for Hearing Loss have asked us share there poster 



Come along to our monthly, FREE drop-in hearing aid clinics for;

  • new batteries and new ear mould tubing
  • advice on how to use and clean your hearing aids
  • information on hearing loss and all the services that can help you
  • hearing check if you do not wear hearing aids but are concerned about your hearing
  • LEEK, Trinity Church, Derby Street, 2nd Tuesday, 10 – 12 (advice, information and hearing checks only) NOW QUARTERLY in 2018 –  13th March, 12th June, 11th September and 11th December
  • CANNOCK, Cannock Library, 4TH Tuesday, 10 – 11.30
  • HEDNESFORD, The Hedgeford Lodge, Anglesey Street,

2nd Wednesday, 10-11.30

  • RUGELEY, Sneydlands, Bryans Lane, 3rd Tuesday, 10 – 11.30
  • STAFFORD,  Rising Brook Baptist Church, Wolverhampton Road,

1st Tuesday, 11 – 12.30

For more information contact:

Staffordshire Community Support Officers:  Mobile: 07960 407595 or  07939 169157


Action on Hearing Loss is the trading name of The Royal National Institute for Deaf People.

A registered charity in England and Wales (207720) and Scotland (SC038926) IA0020/0115

What is the support like for Trans people in Stoke? Kirsty tells us her story…

Growing up in Stoke-on-Trent I was often teased and called gay and told to ring the Lesbian, Gay Switchboard. This I denied as I knew I fancied girls so I didn’t think I could be gay. My first memory at the age of 8 was of wearing female clothes but I could not bring myself to admit it was true as in the 1970s/80s being Transgender wasn’t spoke about. By age of 17 I had thought about coming out and even had a Transgender friend. When I first had the internet I started looking into Gender Dysphoria and realized the only way to be the true me would have been to move away from Stoke which tore me between family or being myself. I carried on dressing in secret for a few years. 
I first came out to an ex-boss   who seemed to welcome me dressing and even invited me around so I could dress at her house. Whenever I spoke to her about me wanting take HRT she wouldn’t talk to me. She suggested I phone the works medical service and talk  things through with them.  At this time I came across Gender Matters web-site and a link to Sanctuary Stoke and the LGBT Network Staffordshire. After attending my first few meetings (which I was too shy to take my coat off for!) I started to volunteer for the LGBT group. I started to find myself and I am now on HRT and attending GIC and starting to feel happy about myself for the first time in my life.

HMP Dovegate LGBT Pride Family day for prisoners & Staff 2nd May 2018

We were invited to take part in an LGBT Awareness Family Day at HMP Dovegate on Wednesday 2nd May 2018. The day involved awareness and issues around the LGBT community and was an opportunity for the prisoner’s families to come in and share the experience with the inmates who are part of the LGBT forum. Staffordshire Buddies and Trans Staffordshire were special guests and we presented our charity and what we do, as well as having and stand and giveaways for the staff and inmates.